The CHRIS (Cocaine Harm Reduction and Intervention Service) Project is a joint initiative between Ballyfermot Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force and Dublin 12 Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. The project goal is to provide an assertive outreach service to people living in the Dublin 12 and Dublin 10 areas who are experiencing problematic cocaine and crack cocaine use. The project aims to provide an outreach model which provides a service to people who may not be otherwise accessing supports. This is to reduce the harms associated with their cocaine/crack cocaine use (with or without the use of other drugs).
The Project will connect in with local specialist and non-specialist drug and alcohol services in each community to enhance referral pathways and integrate with a network of resources in each community. The project aims to enhance but not to duplicate existing service provision.
Its main function will be to do Assertive Outreach, including out of hours. The staff will offer brief intervention support for people who may consider themselves recreational cocaine or crack cocaine users or people who identify as problematic users but who contact for support. They will also deliver In-reach to local addiction services/drop ins. This will include interventions for older people who might be using cocaine/crack cocaine and information to include the impact of cocaine/crack cocaine when used with other substances such as methadone. The CHRIS outreach workers can also provide Harm Reduction information and facilitate access to NSP equipment and supplies.
CHRIS Community Outreach Service operates every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
Contact 089 249 1525 or 089 251 6293 for more information