Ballyfermot Advance Project Women’s Crack Cocaine Group

Calling women from the Dublin 10 and Dublin 12 area – if you are struggling with issues relating to crack cocaine use, call down to us every Thursday morning from 11.30am-1pm for information, support and self-care. There will be rewards, spot prizes and day trips for everyone that attends. When: Group commencing on Thursday 23rd May Where: Blue Door 83 Cherry Orchard Crescent Cherry Orchard Dublin 10 Contact Niamh or Donna for more information on 01-6238 001


VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2024 – Team Ballyfermot Advance Project

Join our team for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2024! Walk, jog or run on June 2nd to help raise vital funds for our services and experience the magic of this special event. Just click on the link below and use the ‘Join Team’ button to create a personal fundraising page in aid of our cause. You can then share your fundraising page via text, social media or email using the ‘Share’ button. Thank you so much for your support!


VHI Women’s Mini Marathon

VHI Women’s Mini Marathon – Team Ballyfermot Advance Project! At present we have a shower room which is very limited in size and privacy for the people who avail of our open access drop-in to shower, there is no heating in the shower room or insulation, so it is extremally cold at times and it is very small which makes it very difficult for our service users with limited mobility, there is no sink for people who want to just wash and have a shave. It is situated at the back of our building and is not very private as it is right beside our staff office and the staff toilet, which for female service users is very off putting, in short it is not suitable. In the drop-in we have a wheelchair accessible toilet large enough to remodel to an accessible wet room and also at the same time using a void space beside this area to turn it into an accessible toilet, we have a large number of people accessing our service with limited mobility and this service is vital to them. Our plan is to give our service users the dignity they deserve while showering. So come and join our team for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2023! Walk, jog or run on June 4th to help raise vital funds for our services and experience the magic of this special event. Just click on the ‘Join Team’ button to create a personal fundraising page in aid of our cause. You can then share your fundraising page via text, social media or email using the ‘Share’ button. Or simply scan the QR Code below to make a donation! Thank you for your support!


Ballyfermot Advance Project Exercise Programme

As part of the Ballyfermot Advance Health Initiative, we have teamed up with Trinity College Dublin Centre for Health Sciences St James’ Hospital. As part of their ongoing research into the health, fitness and mobility issues that affect people in substance use or who have issues with housing and accommodation, we have agreed to deliver a health and fitness programme.  The aim of the programme is to engage socially excluded groups in a tailormade programme to increase mobility and fitness levels.  This will be done by delivering 1-1 and group exercise sessions each week.  Each participant will be physically assessed, and a personal training plan will be designed just for them.  The participant can attend either 1-1 sessions each week or join in the group sessions each week.  Each participant will receive a pedometer when starting and at the end of each session, they will receive a protein drink which is beneficial for building and repairing muscle mass.  Classes will be run every Monday from 10am-4pm and Thursday 10am-1pm


Ballyfermot Advance Health Initiative

Ballyfermot Advance Project Health Initiative: The aim of this Programme is to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change around current physical health and mental well-being. To support long-term substance users in implementing lifestyle changes that support positive health outcomes. To promote physical activity and healthy eating and to link service users into relevant service providers. Information, awareness and support in relation to the following areas will be facilitated: • Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health • Positive Mental Health • Physical Activity • Substance Misuse • Immunisation • Cancer & National Cancer Screening Programme • Hepatolgy Screening/fibro scan • Applying for/renewal of Medical Cards • supports for older people in the community experiencing problematic drug and alcohol use. Through the use of a targeted harm reduction health initiative it will respond to the physical health, mental well-being and improve healthy lifestyles for older drug and alcohol using service users and increase participation in health related pro-social activities for those marginalised in the community as a result of their long-term substance use. This programme is being funded through the Ballyfermot Drug and Alcohol Task Force and delivered in conjunction with the Department of Physiotherapy in Trinity College Dublin and Trinity Centre for Health Services, St James Hospital Dublin 8, The Irish Heart Foundation and the Hep C Project, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital


Irish Heart Foundation Mobile Health Bus

Come and get a free blood pressure and heart rate check up!

Ballyfermot Advance Project

Friday 19th August 2022


Hepatitis C Project

Need Information about Hepatitis C?

Interested in free on the spot screening for Hepatitis C?


Come and talk with Bernard from the Hepatitis C project!

Ballyfermot Advance Project

Thursday 18th August 2022

10am -1pm

New HCV Poster (1) (1) (1)