Ballyfermot Advance Project Health Initiative:
The aim of this Programme is to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change around current physical health and mental well-being. To support long-term substance users in implementing lifestyle changes that support positive health outcomes. To promote physical activity and healthy eating and to link service users into relevant service providers. Information, awareness and support in relation to the following areas will be facilitated:
• Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health
• Positive Mental Health
• Physical Activity
• Substance Misuse
• Immunisation
• Cancer & National Cancer Screening Programme
• Hepatolgy Screening/fibro scan
• Applying for/renewal of Medical Cards
• supports for older people in the community experiencing problematic drug and alcohol use.
Through the use of a targeted harm reduction health initiative it will respond to the physical health, mental well-being and improve healthy lifestyles for older drug and alcohol using service users and increase participation in health related pro-social activities for those marginalised in the community as a result of their long-term substance use.
This programme is being funded through the Ballyfermot Drug and Alcohol Task Force and delivered in conjunction with the Department of Physiotherapy in Trinity College Dublin and Trinity Centre for Health Services, St James Hospital Dublin 8, The Irish Heart Foundation and the Hep C Project, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
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