Ballyfermot Advance Project
Ballyfermot Advance Project was established in 2003 to support people in the local community with problem drug and alcohol use. In 2017, the service was relaunched and restructured following a strategic review. After the review, Ballyfermot Advance Project renewed its main focus of providing low threshold supports and engaging with the most hard-to-reach people using drugs and alcohol, as well as providing support for concerned persons in Dublin 10 area.
Our service aims to support individuals and their families who may be affected by drug and/or alcohol use. We use evidence based empirically measured assessment tools and interventions to facilitate change in unhealthy behaviours. This is delivered on a one to one or group basis depending on the needs of our clients.
All of our services are confidential, free of charge and work from a person centred approach.

When is the service available ?
Our Drop-In service is open from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Friday, except on Tuesday when it runs from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.
Our Vision
Our vision is to give everyone in the catchment area access to help and support when affected by their own or someone else’s drug and alcohol related issues and to empower them to make the changes they identify.Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a safe, therapeutic environment offering the latest in evidence-based care for our service users and their families and to offer a professional, client-centred and high-quality addiction service that is welcoming, inclusive and accessible for everyone affected by drug and alcohol related issues in the catchment area
Our Values
Our staff and management team are committed to:
Non-judgmental, Providing a friendly and non-judgemental space for all service users.
Confidentiality, Offering a confidential service to discuss issues and challenges related to problematic drug and/or alcohol.
Respectful, Respecting everyone who comes to our service and not to discriminate anyone based on their background, ethnicity, religion or personal situation.
Supportive, Offering support to clients in reducing drug and alcohol use tailored to specific needs.
Transparency, We will operating in a way that creates openness between staff and service users which will insure high levels of accountability and trust among service users and staff.
Empowering, Supporting clients with achieving their personal goals and empower them to take charge of their recovery journey.
Services we offer
CHRIS Project
The CHRIS (Cocaine Harm Reduction and Intervention Service) Project is a joint initiative between Ballyfermot Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force and Dublin 12 Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. The project goal is to provide an assertive outreach service to people living in the Dublin 12 and Dublin 10 areas who are experiencing problematic
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Drop-In Centre
There are a several free services available for anyone who visits our Drop-In service, including laundry facilities, shower facilities, food and telephone access.
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Key Working and Care Planning
Key Working and Care Planning is a weekly structured appointment for individuals to work with our Addiction Practitioners. This service is by appointment only.
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Counselling Service
Our Counselling service is a confidential service for individuals who experience mental health difficulties or stress associated with their recovery from problematic alcohol or drug use.
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Family Support Service
Our Family Support Service offers a confidential and non judgemental space for parents, siblings or any concerned person affected by another family members drug or alcohol use.
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People using drugs or alcohol may not be aware of our services or not comfortable visiting our centre. Our outreach staff can provide support to people in a familiar safe location.
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Needle and Syringe Programme
Needle and Syringe Programme is open to anyone using needles or syringes to receive safe injecting equipment. This is an anonymous service. Service by appointment only.
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Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is a commonly practiced technique involving the stimulation of specific points on the ear using up to five small, sterilized disposable needles.
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